Tuesday, May 28, 2024

The power of 3

 By the time I was 23 my life had encountered these 3 women. Directly or indirectly they had the maximum influence in my life. I have admired, adored and yearned to have a special spot for them in my life and a unique space in their life for me. I have waited to get closer to them, travel with them and be there forever. They have inspired me, made me feel good, and set me apart. They have made me feel above all others around me. I’m good beyond normal because of their influence. My admiration, love and respect for those ladies will be there for ever and ever. Universe, creator or fate got me very close all to all of them. I had special access, personal access and much more with them. The very thought that I was closer to them and just not another person in their life made me feel elated. The time we spent was very special and personal. In all three cases, I was separated from them. In one way or the other migration to foreign nation for work, spouse or family played critical role in the relationship not continuing. But I have to blame myself too. I could have made some meaningful efforts to sustain the connect, could have handled my stressors better, could have been more mature enough, all said and done, I miss them all. I think, about them every single day. I feel gifted to have had a very special association with them. And soon somehow I want them all back in my life. I dunno how, but I yearn for it.